Posts Tagged ‘ Love ’

126. Love is in the Rain

The rainy season is my favorite of all and specially the rains of Mumbai. Rains symbolizes the extremes of emotions, it can make you feel all romantic but it can also carry your tears with it. see on Flickr for a better view

50. Rose

A smoke photograph after a long time.

Recreating Paintings

As the Convener of the photography club of my institute I was part of the organizing team of the Photography and Fine Arts exhibition. That is when I thought of this interesting idea of immitating paintings. Some of the photographs turned out to be good while others are funny.

47. Kiss

It was only one shot so there is no story behind it. Although I was ready to run in case the boyfriend spotted me taking their photograph. It was taken on my recent photo-walk to the promenade around Powai lake, Mumbai. I will soon upload the complete story.


41. Maa

”My mother taught me to walk proud and tall ‘as if the world was mine.”    -Sophia Loren

13. On Top of the World

This post is about the other side of photography: Post-processing

I used Lightroom for the editing.

Original Image                                                                                                                                  Final Image








The main points I observed which can make this image better were:

1. The background is slightly over-exposed.

2. The reds in the T-shirt of boy and the umbrella can be improved ( more saturated and luminant ).

3. The blue color of the T-shirt of girl can be more luminant.

4. The background color is washed out.

This is the histogram of original image. The over-exposed background is evident here.

1. White balance: Changed the white balance to slightly blue as it was giving a good contrast to the reds.











2. I decreased the exposure and used the recovery bar to recover details in the highlights. I increased the Blacks slightly to increase the contrast.








3. I changed the highlights and shadows tone to green to reduce the numbers of colors in the photograph. It also gave more impact to the couple.








4. Gave the photograph a slight vignetting to give more emphasis to couple.

Final Histogram


Final Image
