Posts Tagged ‘ surreal ’

A New Idea

A New Idea by Abhey Singh
A New Idea, a photo by Abhey Singh on Flickr.

Routine makes you rigid like a dry tree. It kills the naughty child within who questions all random happenings. You keep doing same thing again and again everyday and forget why you were doing it in the first place. It reduces a human being to a machine. By my experiences so far I have realized that new innovative ideas only comes to you when you maintain a balance between everyday’s work and free time. Too much of free time too can render you to a limited mental space. Most of the jobs in today’s world don’t need you to think. You just need to work like a machine.

I felt the same feeling at my workplace. I was struggling to balance the routine job and photography. Former requires doing exactly as you are told and latter to think without any limitation. That is when I got this idea of showing myself turned to a rigid and still tree with budding twig showing ‘ a new idea’.

I have decided to be more thorough with my photographs from now on. It also gives me time to learn new techniques to improve upon my knowledge. Also I am working to earn my livelihood, it takes 4-5 days to complete 1 photograph. The 365 project will be more of a 52 weeks project from now on. I have already lined up 3-4 ideas. Quite excited about few of them.
Suggestions and feedback welcomed.

180. How Society Kills

How Society Kills by Abhey Singh
How Society Kills, a photo by Abhey Singh on Flickr.

A photograph dedicated to all the students preparing for JEE and other competitive exams. It is for the pressure they bear. I have been through this and I know that people can kill you just by seeing, by comparing you to others. Imagine how you would feel if people are constantly staring at you. Every moment of your life is under the glance of society. Society, whose only work is to comment on others’ lives.

178. Evening-Walk

Evening-Walk by Abhey Singh
Evening-Walk, a photo by Abhey Singh on Flickr.

I got this idea while seeing some artwork on Tumblr which used a 3-D installation of a cloud in a room. My mind connected the random thoughts of the day and I got the idea of making an umbrella of cloud. This special type of umbrella will not protect you from rain but it will provide rain. I drew a very neat sketch of the idea first and then worked for hours in editing to finally get what I wanted. I have decided to make neat and detailed artworks from now on and I hope this is the right start.

52. Your Order is here

I did this photo-manipulation to break the monotonous workflow. Photo-manipulation is great for imagination whereas photo-reportage is close to reality.

2. Spirit Bomb

Aim: To depict the theme ‘Spirit Bomb’

Idea: Multiple exposure to give the photograph a surreal feel

This was the trial photograph, just to see what settings we had to use to get the required result. 

  •  The idea was that only the hands of the model would move but in this photograph his body was also moving.
  •  The background- trees etc. were distracting.
  •  More stops of hands were required

  • Hand movements increased
  • Model’s body is more or less stable
  • Due to long exposure the tree was very well exposed and was taking the attention away
  • The surreal, spiritual feel was still not dominant
  • Dark background, to avoid distractions
  • Change of costume as previous one was too loose
  • Also some experiments with smoke to give it more of a surreal feel but failed

Final photograph
  • The color version was looking more impactful
  • Some post-processing was done to bring focus on hands and the face