Posts Tagged ‘ street ’

169. Balance of life

Balance of life by Abhey Singh
Balance of life, a photo by Abhey Singh on Flickr.

Sometimes you wonder where is that fundamental right to education when you saw a 6 year old child treading a rope just to get something to eat.

166. Cowboy

Cowboy by Abhey Singh
Cowboy, a photo by Abhey Singh on Flickr.

Taken on the streets of Airoli, Navi Mumbai. I observed this from a long distance and was prepared to make this photograph. This is not a usual sight when you live in a metro city like Mumbai. Well, a city has all its colors 🙂

160. Rough roads-Soft toes

Rough roads-Soft toes by Abhey Singh
Rough roads-Soft toes, a photo by Abhey Singh on Flickr.

It was one of those times when you were not able to capture what you actually saw. This mother-daughter couple looked quite happy but as I pointed my camera her look changed. And the photograph having that questioning look on mother and the barefoot daughter tells a completely different story.

148. Family

Every family has a story that it tells itself, that it passes on to the children and grandchildren. The story grows over the years, mutates, some parts are sharpened, others dropped, and there is often debate about what really happened. But even with these different sides of the same story, there is still agreement that this is the family story. And in the absence of other narratives, it becomes the flagpole that the family hangs its identity from.


145. Let me think about it

133. Roadside God

“I would believe only in a God that knows how to Dance”
~Friedrich Nietzsche

see here on Flickr for a better view

Faith is a tricky thing. Most of the people use it in hard times to remove the fear that arise from uncertainty. I am having a tough time in my life right now trying to find some ways. But I can never say- ‘have faith in god’. I can only depend on myself. Anyways, its a game. All you can do is to fight at your full potential. Cheers!

130. Weight of Age

“None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm”
~Henry David Thoreau

See on flickr for a much better quality and black background

Spent a lot of time on editing. I read some tutorial on ‘How to give a painterly effect?’ in a book by Scott Kelby yesterday. I din’t have any suitable photograph to try at that time. I went for a photo-walk in the small break I got between rains. I saw this old lady from a long distance and I decided to take a photograph. It came instinctively to me that only the side pose will reflect her true state. In side pose you can see the bend in her body which makes a lot of impact. I waited for her till she came opposite to me and took this photograph. After going through Lightroom and Photoshop the final result came out to be complete different from the original.

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129. Bachelor Sports Club

See on Flickr for a better and non-distracting background

I din’t experiment a lot with this photograph as I observed it just how I wanted it to be. I just used a little trick I use while photographing people. I start from a distance taking a larger area. It helps in avoiding people to become conscious. Then you can go closer and closer until they notice you. If they don’t panic, you can experiment with various angles. If not, say sorry and leave. You just have to crop them to get the photograph.

126. Love is in the Rain

The rainy season is my favorite of all and specially the rains of Mumbai. Rains symbolizes the extremes of emotions, it can make you feel all romantic but it can also carry your tears with it. see on Flickr for a better view

122. Home Alone

Taken during a photo-walk on the streets of Mumbai. This home was just on the road. While the structure of the home suggests the problem of getting a place to live, the woman depicts a lonely housewife. By coincidence the color of the saree matches the color of walls and makes the photograph more interesting.