Posts Tagged ‘ Night ’

Moon Light

This is the complete photo-shoot I did last night. I think I will try to do more of night photography from now on. I tried to use lights in different ways. Do tell how you like the photographs

The black gradient is completely natural

This photograph was black and white, I realized later that it will look good in color but I din’t shoot it in RAW format. Eventually I colored it in photoshop

I tried to include motion in my images by moving subjects and by moving camera

67. Body Never Lie

I rarely shoot in the night but yerterday I did. I just got inspired by the use of lights in some of the photographs I saw in the daytime. And then I walked around the entire instiute, using each kind of light to its fullest. I tried to learn movements in my photographs, both with focus and blur. I will upload more of the photographs from that shoot in a later post. Go to Flickr for a better view. Enjoy! Do comment!

39. Light and Life

Taken at my village, I like this photograph for the natural black gradients that frames the mother and the daughter. As I took some time in shooting, they noticed me and started looking in the camera. Photography is a interesting activity as you never know when people will become angry on taking their photograph and when they will start giving you poses.

26. Joker


While roaming around at Baga Beach, Goa I observed these lights. There were some limitations with respect to aperture and ISO and due to that there is some grain in the photograph.

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